Who starred in “50 First Dates”?
Question: Who starred in “50 First Dates”? Options: Adam Sandler Adam Sandler Adam Sandler Adam Sandler Correct answer: Adam Sandler Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack questions, emoji quiz...
Who plays the role of the president of the United States in the movie ‘Deep Impact’?
Question: Who plays the role of the president of the United States in the movie ‘Deep Impact’? Options: Jack Nicholson John Travolta Morgan Freeman Gerard Butler Correct answer: Morgan...
Who wrote the novel ‘The Great Gatsby?
Question: Who wrote the novel ‘The Great Gatsby? Options: Ruydyard Kipling Salman Rushdie Aldous Huxley F. Scott Fitzgerald Correct answer: F. Scott Fitzgerald Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack...
Who wrote ‘A Confederacy of Dunces’?
Question: Who wrote ‘A Confederacy of Dunces’? Options: John Kennedy Toole John Fante David Foster Wallace Kenneth Roberts Correct answer: John Kennedy Toole Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack...
Who parted from her husband David Gest in July 2003, just 16 months after their glitzy wedding?
Question: Who parted from her husband David Gest in July 2003, just 16 months after their glitzy wedding? Options: Julia Roberts Zsa Zsa Gabor Lisa Marie Presley Liza Minnelli...
Who’s the author of ‘Eragon’, ‘Eldest’, ‘Brisingr’ and ‘Inheritance’?
Question: Who’s the author of ‘Eragon’, ‘Eldest’, ‘Brisingr’ and ‘Inheritance’? Options: Christopher Drew Christopher Nolan Christopher Paolini Christopher Reeve Correct answer: Christopher Paolini Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack...
Who was the prime minister of the United kingdom during the second world war?
Question: Who was the prime minister of the United kingdom during the second world war? Options: David Cameron Winston Churchill Tony Blair The Queen Elizabeth Correct answer: Winston Churchill...
Who wrote ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’?
Question: Who wrote ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’? Options: Anne Frank Margot Frank Auguste van Pels Fritz Pfeffer Correct answer: Anne Frank Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack questions,...
Who wrote the historical novel ‘The Hunchback of Paris’?
Question: Who wrote the historical novel ‘The Hunchback of Paris’? Options: Dan Brown Fyodor Dostoyevsky Umberto Eco Victor Hugo Correct answer: Victor Hugo Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack...
Who wrote the trilogy: “Lord of the Rings”?
Question: Who wrote the trilogy: “Lord of the Rings”? Options: J.K. Rowling J.R.R Tolkien Stephenie Mayer Miguel de Cervantes Correct answer: J.R.R Tolkien Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack...