Who wrote ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being’?
Question: Who wrote ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being’? Options: Ernest Hemingway Milan Kundera José Saramago Susan Sontag Correct answer: Milan Kundera Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack questions, emoji...
Who were the first to establish the Olympic Games?
Question: Who were the first to establish the Olympic Games? Options: Egyptians Romans Germans Ancient Greeks Correct answer: Ancient Greeks Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack questions, emoji quiz...
Who was the father of Medicine?
Question: Who was the father of Medicine? Options: Euclides Socrates Plato Hipocrates Correct answer: Hipocrates Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack questions, emoji quiz app....
Who was the famous Bob Marley?
Question: Who was the famous Bob Marley? Options: Singer Actor Doctor Rapper Correct answer: Singer Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack questions, emoji quiz app....
Who was the leader of the USSR during WWII?
Question: Who was the leader of the USSR during WWII? Options: Benito Mussolini Franklin D. Roosevelt Adolph Hitler Joseph Stalin Correct answer: Joseph Stalin Other games: deer hunter, trivia...
Who was the greatest conqueror of the Roman history?
Question: Who was the greatest conqueror of the Roman history? Options: Nero Marcus Aurelius Julius Caesar Constantine the Great Correct answer: Julius Caesar Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack...
Who was the president that left before his term was over?
Question: Who was the president that left before his term was over? Options: Lincoln Clinton Nixon Bush Correct answer: Nixon Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack questions, emoji quiz...
Who was the Brazilan President from 2002 to 2010?
Question: Who was the Brazilan President from 2002 to 2010? Options: Geraldo Alckimin Dilma Roussef Luis Inácio Lula da Silva No one from the above Correct answer: Luis Inácio...
Who said “I only know that I know nothing”?
Question: Who said “I only know that I know nothing”? Options: Plato Bacon Descartes Aristóteles Correct answer: Aristóteles Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack questions, emoji quiz app....
Who’s Star Wars producer and creator?
Question: Who’s Star Wars producer and creator? Options: Josh Lucas George Lucas David Prowse John Lucas Correct answer: George Lucas Other games: deer hunter, trivia crack questions, emoji quiz...