Which country officially received the exiled spaniards under Franco’s dictatorship?
Question: Which country officially received the exiled spaniards under Franco’s dictatorship? Answer: Mexico. You have to answer any Trivia Crack question in less than 30 seconds. It is impossible...
What’s the name of the captain of the submarine in ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea’?
Question: What’s the name of the captain of the submarine in ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea’? Answer: Nemo Having trouble with other Trivia Crack question? Just use our...
What important piece of art was stolen and kept under a bed until it was returned to the Louvre Museum?
What important piece of art was stolen and kept under a bed until it was returned to the Louvre Museum? Answer: MONA LISA Mona Lisa was stolen on 1911...