What does EP stand for when considering a musical album?
Question: What does EP stand for when considering a musical album? Answer: Extended Play. Having trouble with other Trivia Crack question? Just use our live-search form. Search for other...
What musical takes place during the French Revolution?
Question: What musical takes place during the French Revolution? Answer: Les Miserables. Having trouble with other Trivia Crack question? Just use our live-search form. Search for other questions using...
Which of these is a three-stringed musical instrument?
Question: Which of these is a three-stringed musical instrument? Answer: BalalaikaBalalaika has just 3 string. Just see the image below. Having trouble with other Trivia Crack question? Just use...
Which of the following is not a musical term?
Question: Which of the following is not a musical term? Answer: Ricotta Having trouble with other Trivia Crack question? Just use our live-search form. Search for other questions using...