Trivia crack Sports answers

From which country is the athlete Maria Mutola, who won her eighth world title in Paris in 2003?

Question: From which country is the athlete Maria Mutola, who won her eighth world title in Paris in 2003? Answer: Mozambique. Trivia crack has more than 7000 questions. Sometimes...
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Trivia crack Sports answers

What country is big in Olympic swimming thanks to stars such as Dawn Fraser and Ian Thorpe, being only after the United States in golds and medals?

Question: What country is big in Olympic swimming thanks to stars such as Dawn Fraser and Ian Thorpe, being only after the United States in golds and medals? Answer:...
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Trivia crack History answers

Diaspora is the scattering of people from this present-day country. Aliyah is their return to it. What country?

Question: Diaspora is the scattering of people from this present-day country. Aliyah is their return to it. What country? Answer: Israel. You have to answer any Trivia Crack question...
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Trivia crack History answers

Which country officially received the exiled spaniards under Franco’s dictatorship?

Question: Which country officially received the exiled spaniards under Franco’s dictatorship? Answer: Mexico. You have to answer any Trivia Crack question in less than 30 seconds. It is impossible...
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