Trivia crack Sports answers

What boxer was found guilty for draft evasion after declaring himself a conscientious objector during the Vietnam war?

Question: What boxer was found guilty for draft evasion after declaring himself a conscientious objector during the Vietnam war? Answer: Muhammad Ali. Trivia crack has more than 7000 questions....
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Trivia crack Sports answers

What country is big in Olympic swimming thanks to stars such as Dawn Fraser and Ian Thorpe, being only after the United States in golds and medals?

Question: What country is big in Olympic swimming thanks to stars such as Dawn Fraser and Ian Thorpe, being only after the United States in golds and medals? Answer:...
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Trivia crack History answers

After WWII, what country lost much of its eastern territory to Russia, but did pick up much of Pomerania, Silesia and East Prussia?

Question: After WWII, what country lost much of its eastern territory to Russia, but did pick up much of Pomerania, Silesia and East Prussia? Answer: Poland. You have to...
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